Comic Battle

Comic Battle: If Our Pets Could Only Speak

This time around we have THREE contributions to the Comic Battle. Emily Lampson, Kielamel Sibal, and Sydney More all give their own opinions about “If our pets could only speak.” [nggallery id=126] [poll id=”45″] Vote on your favourite, deadline in two weeks on Wednesday, August 19. That’s also the deadline for […]

Comic Battle: Most Pointless Job Winner 1

Luke Southwell has won again! Here is his winning submission for “Most Pointless Job in the Universe.” As so far we have only received one comic for “It seemed like a good idea at the time,” we will push the deadline for all submissions on that theme to Wedenesday, July 22. […]

Comic Battle: Most Pointless Job in the Universe

Here are the two submissions for round two of the Comic Battle, submitted by Luke Southwell and Anat Rabkin, on the theme “most pointless job in the universe. Vote on which one you like the best! [nggallery id=125] [poll id=”44”] The theme for the next Comic Battle: “It seemed like a good […]

Comic Battle: Worst Part of Summer 1

We have two submissions for the first installment of our revived Comics Battle. Vote on which one you like the best! [nggallery id=124] [poll id=”43″] The theme for the next Comic Battle: “Most Pointless Job in the Universe.” Send all submissions to The deadline for all submissions is 7:30 […]

Cloudscape Comic Battle Returns!

Cloudscape is very excited to announce a revival of our classic blog event: Comic Battle! Every week, on Wednesday evening, we will announce a new comic theme on the Cloudscape blog; this theme might be a word, a phrase, a sentence, anything that we think could be good inspiration for […]