Comic Reviews

Comics reviewed by Cloudscape members.

Ann by the Bed

Ann by the Bed is an original horror comic by Emily Carroll, published in Frontier #6. The story depicts the terrible tale of Ann Herron’s murder and the urban legends that sprang out of it in Ontario. Frontier #6 can be found on the Youth in Decline website here: […]

BACK Comic

BACK, by KC Green and Anthony Clark, is a webcomic that ran from 2014 to 2021, and has two released volumes, with the third final volume successfully crowdfunded in March 2022. The webcomic features a slew of colourful characters and follows Abigail, a cowgirl, and Daniel, a druid, on Abigail’s […]

Almost American Girl

Almost American Girl is a memoir by Robin Ha. It tells the story of how, when she was fourteen, she went on vacation from Seoul, South Korea, to Alabama with her mother to visit a friend (Mr. Kim) and his family. Speaking Korean and only a little bit of English, […]


Phantomarine is an ongoing webcomic by Claire K. Niebergall. It starts with a recently-deceased Princess Phaedra negotiating with a death god for her life. The death god is a shapeshifting being known as Cheth and can take on the form of any who have died in the sea. We also […]