
Cloudscape Artists on Autostraddle

Autostraddle is an online magazine and social network for lesbian, bisexual, and queer women, and this year the 3rd Autostraddle Comic and Sequential Arts Awards have turned their attention to several comics by Cloudscape contributors! Band vs Band, the music-related webcomic of Kathleen Jacques, has been nominated as one of […]

Beyond 2 is now accepting pitches!

Beyond was an anthology of queer-themed speculative fiction comics published in 2015 to wide acclaim, featuring a wide variety of stories starring LGBT characters on numerous worlds. Now Beyond 2 has been announced. The editors are interested in original urban fantasy and post-apocalyptic stories exploring, expressing, and including queer, trans, […]

Kickstarter Fundraiser for "Beyond" comics anthology

The Beyond Kickstarter fundraiser has begun! This 250+ page comics anthology features 18 stories of fantasy and science fiction starring queer protagonists, full of swashbuckling space pirates, dragon slayers, death-defying astronauts, and monster royalty. The project is helmed by Sfe Monster, who contributed to Mega Fauna (Cloudscape’s latest anthology), and Beyond features a story […]

"Beyond" Call for Submissions

An open call for an intriguing new comics anthology! The editors are looking for SF/fantasy stories that feature queer characters and themes (gay, bi, transgendered, etc.). The deadline for submitting initial story synopsis and art samples for Beyond is December 15. The deadline for finished stories is April 10, 2014. […]