Cloudscape will have two zoom rooms as part of TCAF 2021.
To attend either event please head over to this zoom call at 5PM PST!
Want to Learn about Running an Independent Publisher?

On Saturday May 8th @ 5-7 PST come hang out with our Executive Director Jeff Ellis and Editor in Chief Hannah Myers as they talk all things Cloudscape & give insight into what happens behind the scenes at our publishing house!
Comic Readings Featuring Cloudscape Authors!

As well from 5-6 PST Kathleen Gros will be hosting a selection of comic readings by Alex Steacy (Drainers) and Steve LeCouilliard (Much the Miller’s Son) followed by a Q&A with the creators.

From 6-7 PST she will be joined by PJ Patten and Bevan Thomas to read from their comics, Tower 25 and Through the Labyrinths of the Mind. This will also be followed by a Q&A.
To attend either event please head over to this zoom call at 5PM PST!