Comic Battle Round 2 Voting! 6

Congratulations Kevin Forbes, our winner of the first ever Cloudscape Comic Battle!

Competition was fast and furious! When the dust settled our top three comickers were:

1st place – Kevin Forbes

2nd place – Jeff Ellis

3rd place – Anise Shaw

See the full results here.

Now let’s see who triumphs in round 2 ‘Healthy Living’!!

Please vote below. And if you are interested in competing please submit a comic for round 3. The theme is ‘mental vacation’ and it is due Wed the 23rd at 7:30pm. Please email your comic to comicbattleATcloudscapecomicsDOTcom

The winner of Round 3 will get a free copy of Exploded View!

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6 thoughts on “Comic Battle Round 2 Voting!

  • Chris Leinonen

    Woah, Jeff! You’re really doing well with these downer comics eviscerating comfortable middle class people! Naturally, since I am all about evisceration, you got my vote again.

    But Reetta, I totally liked yours. I don’t have the same connection to Finnish Rye as I’m sure you do… but I definitely got the joke.

  • Anise

    Oh man, these comics are so good this week, it was hard to choose my vote.
    I went totally blank on this theme, but I’m looking forward to mental vacation. I hope we get even more people next time!

  • Verv

    I really love Reetta’s comic. As an American who was able to live in Denmark for several months before being forced to move away (silly immigration laws), I completely sympathize. It’s just impossible to find real rye bread (or any kind of bread at all) here that isn’t ridiculously overpriced. Caraway, really?

  • Reetta

    ^ Thanks Chris and Verv :]

    I love the mummy!
    Thanks everybody for voting – and for entering, the bar is rising for sure!

    I wonder how many “red X” – the author of this comic is on a mental vacation -entries round 3 will get ๐Ÿ˜›