Come join Lori Weidenhammer, the Native Bee Society of BC, and Cloudscape for a Bee Safari and Doodle Bee event on July 3rd from 2-4pm at Memorial South Park (near Cloudscape HQ).
The event is all ages and free to attend!
From the Native Bee Society website:
We’ll be playing Bumble Bee BINGO and looking for the giant Nevada Bumble Bees that have been spotted in this meadow. We’ll be spotting and identifying bees using special Beespeaker Bee Gazing Frames that have photographs of different local bees. We’ll teach folks how to photograph bees and contribute to community science by adding their observations to the INaturalist Bee Tracker Project. Inspired by the Cloudscape Comic Book Artists in residence at the field house, we will have a bee cartooning “doodle bee” at the end of the event. We’ll supply participants with paper and pens and lead them in exercises in drawing basic bee anatomy.
More info here: