30 Days Project – Day 4

We are the Cloudscape Comics Society! Here is what we’ve challenged ourselves to for Day 4:

Jeff Ellis

Day 4: Gary Smith
Visit my website at www.teachenglishinjapan.ca

Reeta Linjama

And a watercolour version for good luck:

Day 4/30: Jedi Knight

For my knight-themed 30 Days Project with Cloudscape

Sorry, Jedi everywhere

website / sketchblog / deviantArt / Tumblr / Twitter

Anise Shaw

Environment 04 (totally cheating) – by Anise

I worked on this today instead of my illustration for the 30 days project, so I’m submitting it. I love the way it looks, but the bg is killing me.

It’s a panel from the next page of my webcomic found at www.epidigm.net/arcadia

Kevin Wilson

Raideen knows Raideen likes to party. I loved this one so much I even made a 1024×768 wallpaper of Party Raideen.

I am Kevin Wilson, part cartoonist and part pineapple. My challenge is to bone up on my giant robot skills by drawing one every day for June. That’s 30 robots of the large to super large variety.

You can find my giant robot comic at http://titanzer.com, my tumblr at http://kevinw.tumblr.com, and my portfolio at http://thekevinwilson.com

Moses C

“First, young grasshopper, you must learn to respect your elders.”


PS. More of my stuff can be found @ Mosobot64.deviantart.com and Mosobot64.wordpress.com

Bevan Thomas

Challenge: To every day do a section at least 300 words long of “World that Was,” my story about Brigida Byzantium’s childhood in a locked room with only her brother for companionship. The story will be written as a dramatic monologue.

World that Was: Part 4


Ama, are you there?

I cannot feel you. I cannot hear you.


Please, speak to me. Do not leave me the demonic darkness.

I dreamed the lovely light into existence, the wide world beyond the wicked walls. Do not say I dreamed you too.

Do not leave me here alone.


About Cloudscape

The Cloudscape Comics Society is a Vancouver non-profit dedicated to supporting local comic artists. We publish anthologies, hold meetings and workshops and work with other community groups to promote comics. We meet weekly at the Grind Gallery and Cafe on Wednesdays at 7:30PM.

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