30 Days Project – Day 3

We are the Cloudscape Comics Society! Here is what we’ve challenged ourselves to for Day 3:

Chloe Chan

From the great mind of Chloe Chan

What I was working on yesterday instead of the 30 days project….

Jeff Ellis

Visit my website at www.teachenglishinjapan.ca

Reeta Linjama

3/30, Coal Knight

I read about this guy in a creepy kids’ book once… I think…
—Reetta L

website / sketchblog / deviantArt / Tumblr / Twitter

Anise Shaw

Environment 03 – by Anise

My good friend Miriam Libicki kindly offered her photostream of desert photos she took in Israel a bit of inspiration for me. These are some green shoots that popped up after only a night a rain.

I make comics and other fine things. You can see my comic at www.epidigm.net/arcadia

Kevin Wilson

I am Kevin Wilson, part cartoonist and part pineapple. My challenge is to bone up on my giant robot skills by drawing one every day for June. That’s 30 robots of the large to super large variety.

You can find my giant robot comic at http://titanzer.com, my tumblr at http://kevinw.tumblr.com, and my portfolio at http://thekevinwilson.com

Moses C

Anyone up for barbecue? Don’t mind the cat outfit-the cook’s just practcing for his performance art gig next week.
More non-sequiteurs coming your way tomorrow!

PS. More of my work can be found through Mosobot64.deviantart.com and Mosobot64.wordpress.com . Have a good day!

Bevan Thomas

Challenge: To every day do a section at least 300 words long of “World that Was,” my story about Brigida Byzantium’s childhood in a locked room with only her brother for companionship. The story will be written as a dramatic monologue.

Tired, so tired, so terribly tired. How long did we scratch at the walls of the wicked world? How long did we try to break through to the lovely light beyond.

Our nails are broken, bleeding. Oh my brave brother, is it hopeless? Perhaps it is just a delightful dream, perhaps in truth there is nothing but the darkness.

Is this a bad world? We have food, we have life, we have each other. Is anything else needed? Must the world be wide and populated, or is it sufficient to have two terrific twins? Is everything else an illusion?

God, creator of this world, builder of the wide walls, giver of the filling food, are you out there? Do you live in the light? Did you hide us from your Heaven? Why did you build this walls around us?

Yell, my brother, yell! Scream! Let us raise our voices to high heaven and see if God the father, God the mother, listens! Is someone out there? Did someone build the walls? If so, can they hear?

Scream! Scream! We are here, oh laughing Lord! Oh grand grotesque God! Did you put us here? Did you build our walls? We are here!

Nothing. Nothing but nothing. Let’s have sudden silence. There is nothing out there beyond the wicked walls.

Let there be quiet, let there be silence. There is nothing out there. I want to sleep, to dream.

In dreams there is a wider realm, in dreams we escape the rigid room that is the wicked world. In dreams there is lovely light, there is sight, there is colour.

In dreams we are beyond the fallen world, beyond the fingers of fickle fate, beyond the grip of God.

In dreams there is escape and joy.

Let us dream, oh my brother. Let us dream.

About Cloudscape

The Cloudscape Comics Society is a Vancouver non-profit dedicated to supporting local comic artists. We publish anthologies, hold meetings and workshops and work with other community groups to promote comics. We meet weekly at the Grind Gallery and Cafe on Wednesdays at 7:30PM.

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