Cloudscape Artists on Autostraddle


Autostraddle is an online magazine and social network for lesbian, bisexual, and queer women, and this year the 3rd Autostraddle Comic and Sequential Arts Awards have turned their attention to several comics by Cloudscape contributors!

  • Band vs Band, the music-related webcomic of Kathleen Jacques, has been nominated as one of the Favorite Episodic Webcomics.
  • Beyond, the queer-focused science fiction anthology co-edited by Sfe Johnson and featuring several other Cloudscape contributors, has been nominated for Favorite Comics Anthology.

Now that the nominees are up, you can vote for which one you feel deserves to win in each category. To show your Cloudscape solidarity, vote in the 2016 Autostradle Awards. Deadline for all voting is Saturday, September 24.

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