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Thank you!

Hello all!What a wild ride this campaign has been. We all took some much needed downtime last night and this morning, but we wanted to make sure to thank all you wonderful backers and supporters who helped us achieve our goal! Also, a big shout out to Pirataba and the […]

Phobos and Deimos interview

Jeff from Cloudscape sits down with J Dalton to talk about Phobos and Deimos, his scifi graphic novel that’s on Kickstarter for a few more days. Listen to JD talk about dystopia vs reality, AI, and casting characters for the future. And then check out the Kickstarter while it still […]

The TradeWaiters 100: “Reinventing Comics” by Scott McCloud

It’s episode 100! Special guest Kathleen Gros rejoins the TradeWaiters to help us celebrate our anniversary, and we read Scott McCloud’s Reinventing Comics. This book made bold predictions of what the future of comics could be. More than twenty years later, we revisit Scott’s ideas to see where they’ve been […]

September Events for Cloudscape

The days are getting cooler and Cloudscape is gearing up for several exciting events happening this month! Car Free Day – September 9th – Find us at Car Free Day on Commercial Drive! We will have books for sale and a station for doing Comic Jams. Stop by and say […]

The TradeWaiters 99: “Dragman” by Steven Appleby

For this episode our intrepid TradeWaiters read Dragman by Steven Appleby. This hefty graphic novel cloaks a story about gender identity, predatory capitalism, and being true to yourself in a brightly-coloured superhero costume and sends it out to patrol the streets of London. Join us and listen in as we […]

Phobos and Deimos Kickstarter is LIVE!

Cloudscape is excited to announce our newest project: Phobos and Deimos! Maida Kilwa is a teenage refugee from Mars, who is faced with the difficult process of adapting to her new life on Earth. From high school life to a dystopian government, Maida is torn between the promise of safety […]

Submissions Reopened

Cloudscape is thrilled to announce that we are reopening submissions! After a long time on hiatus we are hoping to begin taking in on new projects soon. We would love to take on some new works for our 2024 catalogue. Cloudscape primarily publishes using funds from grants, and as such […]

The TradeWaiters 98: “Witch Hat Atelier” Vol. 1 & 2 by Kamome Shirahama

Today the Tradewaiters got lost in a fantasy manga with the first two volumes of Witch Hat Atelier by Kamome Shirahama. We’ll break down what’s great about this comic, a few things that are maybe not as great, but mostly have a good time reading a book about kids who […]

The TradeWaiters 97: “Barefoot Gen” Vol. 1 & 2 by Keiji Nakazawa

For this episode we read the first two volumes of Barefoot Gen, Keiji Nakazawa’s semi-autobiographical account of surviving the bombing of Hiroshima when he was six years old. Barefoot Gen is the best book about the worst thing. Be prepared for it to be super traumatic, but no other book […]

Cloudscape’s 15th Anniversary Celebration

On June 4th, 2008, Cloudscape launched Robots, Pine Trees, and Broken Hearts, the first of ten anthologies to be published in the next decade. Since that date we have had regular meetups every Wednesday and expanded our publishing beyond the initial group anthologies to include many diverse and varied collections, […]