So You Think You Can Draw Umbrella Girl


Umbrella Girl & Cloudsey

As many Cloudscape fans know, our unofficial mascot is Umbrella Girl, an energetic young Vancouverite who is (almost) always sporting an umbrella and who has appeared at least once in each of our anthologies. A while back, we did “So You Think You Can Draw Umbrella Girl,” in which people were encouraged to send in their own interpretations of this enigmatic heroine. We received Umbrella Girls of numerous ages, ethnicities, and temperaments, and now we’re interested in doing it again. We encourage everyone who’s interested to send us images of her. You can have her looking similar to how she’s appeared before, or you can go off in a totally different direction. The only requirement is that she must have an umbrella. You can also send us images of Cloudscape’s other, more nefarious mascot: Cloudsey is a ruthless capitalist with a cloud for a head, and the archnemesis of our board member Jonathon Dalton.

To see all of Umbrella Girl and Cloudsey’s previous appearances, visit our Umbrella Girl and Cloudsey Cullen McLeod pages. As with the Comic Battle, you can send all emails to Bevan Thomas at

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