even in arcadia

30 Days Project – Day 6

The Thirty Days Project is a practical way to fight Option Paralysis. Creative people often have the luxury of being able to do anything but just as often end up doing nothing. Thirty Days Project is thirty deadlines; finish a piece of creative work by then end of each day. […]

30 Days Project – Day 5

We are the Cloudscape Comics Society! Here is what we’ve challenged ourselves to for Day 5: Jeff Ellis Day 5: Patrick Sundstrom Visit my website at www.teachenglishinjapan.ca Reeta Linjama Birthday of a Knight — Day 5/30 of my knight-themed 30 Days Project with Cloudscape happened to be Donut’s birthday, in […]

30 Days Project – Day 4

We are the Cloudscape Comics Society! Here is what we’ve challenged ourselves to for Day 4: Jeff Ellis Day 4: Gary Smith Visit my website at www.teachenglishinjapan.ca Reeta Linjama And a watercolour version for good luck: Day 4/30: Jedi Knight For my knight-themed 30 Days Project with Cloudscape Sorry, Jedi […]